This is not a "25 Before 25" list. I think I made one of those on my old blog, and filled it with things I would love to do, however they were mostly expensive and not attainable with the amount of vacation time that we are given at our jobs.
This list will most likely not have 25 things (I'm thinking of things as I write), but it will have a few things that I need to do or think about.
1. Realize that 25 isn't really that old. My baby clock isn't ticking yet, even though I think it is.
2. Complete my yellow and gray bedroom. We are moving into our first house in December, and the bedroom is my first priority. Here are some ideas I have:
This is the bedspread we currently have. |
We currently have this hanging on our wall as well. I want this hanging on one wall. The attractive man in this picture can stay too, I suppose. :) |
I want a gallery wall like this. I found a bunch of yellow/gray/teal prints on Etsy that I am asking to have printed for Christmas. I want to put them all in white frames. Maybe the gallery can be on the same wall as the "LOVE" letters? |
I want these curtains from Ikea. |
I want to make this headboard ... shutters will probably be white or light yellow. |
I want this dresser from Ikea
I will probably paint the walls a really light gray and I also have a dark gray chair my aunt is giving us, if we ever bring a vehicle to Colorado that it will actually fit into. It used to be my great-grandma's chair. My aunt reupholstered it and it is so cute now!
3. Get more involved with God. We really struggle with personal Bible study. We can barely make it to church some Sundays. I really think it would be good for us to do something together and maybe separately as well.
4. I hate the phrase "bloom where you're planted," but it's the best phrase I can think of for this next one. I want to be happier here, complain about Oklahoma less, let Garrett know that I want to stay here, he isn't the one forcing me to live here.
5. Actually pray for people. I often say, "I'll be praying for you!" I often forget about it 10 minutes later. I want to work on that.
6. Go to somewhere I avoid because of bad memories, and make a good memory there.
7. Eat healthier. I'm doing a detox the first week of November. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
8. See a midnight showing. I have been avoiding midnight showings of movies like The Plague. The last time I went to a midnight showing was when Captain America came out and then the next week Harry Potter 7.2 came out. I still hadn't recovered from one when I attended the other. The morning after the second one, I babysat at 8am, and swore off midnight showings. I had never been so exhausted. However, I will be on vacation when Les Miserables comes to theaters. Midnight showing on Christmas Eve? What do you think, Garrett?
9. Play the piano more when people are around. Garrett says I never play the piano. This isn't true, however, he has zero evidence that I have even touched the piano in the last 6 months. I hate playing in front of people.
10. Think of one more thing for this list. 9 things is a weird amount.